Why see an IBCLC?

Why see an International Board Certified
Lactation Consultant?


IBCLCs are able to deal with complex breastfeeding issues,  and provide up to date evidenced based information and support. IBCLCs are required to re certify every 5 years. IBCLC lactation consultants have successfully completed a 6 hr exam at degree level and fulfill the exam pre requisites, which includes 1000 hrs of one to one work with mothers and babies.

IBCLCs are registered and regulated by The International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners.

IBCLCE registry. http://iblce.org/resources/iblce-registry/

For more information about IBCLCs see Lactation Consultants of Great Britainhttp://www.lcgb.org

There are many different people offering breastfeeding support with varying degrees of experience and expertise.  Don’t be afraid to ask what training the person providing you with support has received.